20 years of border violence – Abolish Frontex now!
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Unter diesem Motto ruft Solidarité sans frontières am 28. September 2024 zu einer Gross-Demo nach Bern.
Geflüchtete und Migrierte, Sans-Papiers und Illegalisierte, vorläufig Aufgenommene und Abgewiesene, Prekarisierte und Ausgebeutete, Second@s und Eingebürgerte, solidarische Menschen, Basisgruppen und Organisationen: wir alle werden von sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Grenzen getrennt, wir können sie aber gemeinsam überwinden.
Am 28. September setzen wir in Bern ein starkes Zeichen: wir alle sind Teil einer offenen und vielfältigen (post-)migrantischen Gesellschaft. Wir lassen uns nicht spalten und wir wollen zwischen uns keine Grenzen! «Zwischen uns keine Grenzen – für eine offene Gesellschaft der Vielen!» Continue reading “28 September: demo ‘Zwischen uns keine Grenzen!’ / ‘Entre nous, pas de frontières!’”
October 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the EU border guard agency Frontex. For these 20 long years it has spread death and insecurity. We count and mourn more than 60,620 deaths caused by the EU border regime since 1993. Frontex is a key actor in the war against people on the move and a symbol for its certain failure.
Abolish Frontex wishes for the quick dismantling of Frontex, 20 years of destruction has been enough: stop counting candles, start counting lives!
6 June 2024 – On 14 June 2023, the Adriana, a boat leaving from Libya for Italy with hundreds of migrants on board, sank inside the Greek Search and Rescue (SAR) zone in the Mediterranean Sea. This would become the deadliest migrant shipwreck in recent history. Over 600 people died with a clear responsibility of the Hellenic Coast Guard and Frontex for a lack of clear procedures in cases of distress, as the investigation of the European Ombudsman stated.
Continue reading “Pylos, El Hiblu, Homayoun and thousands of innocents accused of being smugglers”
Our clients, nine survivors of the shipwreck off the coast of Pylos, were unjustly detained for eleven months in prisons, accused of serious crimes and stigmatized by the mainstream media, which, from the very first moment, not only failed to respect the presumption of innocence, but also published photos of them even from inside the hospital, with the aim of disorienting public opinion and covering up the real reasons for the deadly shipwreck. Furthermore, the objective was to serve the narrative of the suppression of the people responsible for illegal immigration and the shipwrecks that occur in the Greek SAR.
It seems that the acquittal of our clients by the Three-Member Criminal Court of Appeal does not serve the above-mentioned objectives. For this reason, the Greek state, instead of making amends for the unjust lengthy deprivation of their freedom, by providing psychological support and all the necessary means for their smooth return to a life of freedom and their integration into society, insists on treating them with cruelty and inhumanity. Instead of being released, they are administratively detained! For eleven months, we have been watching how victims of this shipwreck, like the 9 who are now administratively detained, are constantly re-victimized, either by their unjust pre-trial detention or by their unfair, and vindictive administrative detention.
Read the whole press release on the website of the Free Pylos 9 campaign
21 May 2024 – Europe supports, finances and is directly involved in clandestine operations in North African countries to dump tens of thousands of Black people in the desert or remote areas each year to prevent them from coming to the EU
For years, the EU has handed large sums of money to North African countries for “migration management”, aimed at reducing the number of people trying to reach Europe. The annual amount given has increased year-on-year, with the EU sending hundreds of millions of euros to individual countries in the last year alone.
The EU claims publicly that it monitors how this money is spent, and that it does not contribute towards human rights abuses against the people it is aimed at preventing from migrating. But the reality is different.
The team of defense lawyers for the nine survivors of the Pylos shipwreck invites you to a Press Conference on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 12:00, at ESIEA (Athens Press Union, 20 Akadimias Street, Athens, 3rd floor). The press conference will also be broadcasted live by OmniaTV.
The trial of the nine Egyptian survivors of the deadly shipwreck of Pylos is set for the 21 May 2024, in Kalamata.
The defendants were arrested and charged, with insufficient evidence, as being responsible for the tragedy, in less than 24 hours after the shipwreck. Some of them were taken to the port authorities directly from the hospital where they were hospitalized. The investigation into what really happened was closed within a few months, without a thorough examination of the available evidence, particularly that which could shed light on the actual circumstances of the shipwreck. All relevant requests by the defense team in this respect were rejected.