Finland and Italy want more military involvement in migration control

7 May 2024 – The Finnish and Italian governments last month presented a plan on “countering instrumentalization of migration and migrant smuggling” to the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting, calling for “innovative ways” to address the issues – including by increased cooperation between the EU and NATO.

The “non-paper” (pdf) argues that the EU and NATO “should further develop their means of responding to hybrid threats,” a military term that in recent years has come to encompass the “instrumentalization” of migrants by non-EU states.


According to Finland and Italy, the deal with Tunisia sets the standard “for further balanced, comprehensive, mutually beneficial partnerships with third countries,” and highlights “the importance of ensuring its full implementation.” Doing so will require a more prominent role for Europol and Frontex, says the note, which asserts a need to “harness all the capabilities of Frontex in line with the whole-of-route concept through effectively deploying the Agency in third countries.”

Read the article on the website of Statewatch



Le vote du projet de loi du CD&V visant à autoriser Frontex à exercer des fonctions de police en Belgique a été reporté au 2 mai, sous la pression des manifestations d’opposition d’un grand nombre de citoyens.
En commission de l’intérieur, hormis le PTB-PVBA, tous  les partis se sont entendus pour voter ce projet de loi, y compris Ecolo et PS. Quelles tractactions nauséabondes les partis de gauche ont-ils pu mener pour accepter une telle compromission ? 


Votez contre le déploiement de Frontex en Belgique ! // Stem tegen de inzet van Frontex in België!

Ce jeudi 25 avril 2024, le projet de loi Frontex de la ministre de l’Intérieur Annelies Verlinden sera soumis au vote des parlementaires fédéraux. Ce texte donne le cadre légal au déploiement de Frontex sur le territoire belge, pour assister la Police Fédérale dans la gestion des frontières, et la Police Aéronautique en tant qu’escorte des personnes  visées par une mesure de retour forcé.

Continue reading “Votez contre le déploiement de Frontex en Belgique ! // Stem tegen de inzet van Frontex in België!”

On International Migrants Day activists demand an end to Frontex’s activities in Africa

15 December 2023 – On 18 December 2023, International Migrants Day, activists across Africa and Europe taking part in the Abolish Frontex International Action Day will draw attention to the havoc wreaked on African countries by the EU’s obsession with stopping migration and demand an end to Frontex’s engagement on the continent. 
Recent investigations revealed that the European Border and Coast Guard agency Frontex systematically shares the coordinates of migrant boats with a Libyan militia accused of war crimes. The militia has kidnapped more than 1000 people on the move since May this year and forcibly returned them to Libya, where they are tortured, subjected to forced labour and ransom payments. 

Continue reading “On International Migrants Day activists demand an end to Frontex’s activities in Africa”

Abolish Frontex on the Civil Fleet Podcast

In advance of the upcoming action day, we talked to the Civil Fleet podcast about Frontex’s wrongdoings on the African continent, the problems with border externalisation, and why the EU border regime needs to be abolished.

Listen to the episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or directly here.

EU planning new anti-migration deals with Egypt and Tunisia, unrepentant in support for Libya

19 November 2023 – The European Commission wants to agree “new anti-smuggling operational partnerships” with Tunisia and Egypt before the end of the year, despite longstanding reports of abuse against migrants and refugees in Egypt and recent racist violence endorsed by the Tunisian state. Material and financial support is already being stepped up to the two North African countries, along with support for Libya.

The plan for new “partnerships” is referred to in a newly-revealed annex of a letter from European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, that was sent to the European Council prior to its meeting in October and published by Statewatch.

Read the article on the website of Statewatch.

AI in border control and surveillance: Current and future implications

The European architecture for border surveillance has been continuously expanding in an attempt to detect, deter and repel refugees and migrants. For those who manage to enter, they are biometrically registered and screened against large-scale databases, raising serious concerns on privacy violations, data protection breaches and questions of proportionality. 

Recently Euromed Rights launched a new fact sheet with infographics on the use of Artificial Intelligence for border control and surveillance. The fact sheet is based on the report ‘Europe’s Techno Borders‘ which Euromed Rights and Statewatch published earlier this year.

Frontex in Africa

In 2006 Frontex deployed Hera, its first joint operation outside Europe, in an attempt to intercept migrants travelling by boat from Senegal to the Spanish Canary Islands. This made an already dangerous journey even more difficult and included the involvement in illegal pushbacks. Since then, the EU has intensified its efforts of turning African countries into EU border outposts and stopping migrants on the way to Europe before they even have a chance to claim asylum. In advance of the Abolish Frontex International Action Day on 18 December, this article provides an overview of Frontex’s activities on the African continent that are public knowledge. Continue reading “Frontex in Africa”

[EN/DE/IT/FR/AR] Frontex out of Africa! Join our International Action Day on 18/12/2023

[German/Italian/French/Arabic below]


Dear Abolish Frontex supporters,
In 2006 Frontex deployed Hera, its first joint operation outside Europe, in an attempt to stop migration from Senegal to the Spanish Canary Islands. This made an already dangerous journey even more difficult and included the involvement in illegal pushbacks. Since then, the EU has doubled down on its endeavor to turn African countries into EU border outposts and stop migrants before they even have a chance to claim asylum. In 2023, Frontex had liason officers stationed in 3 West African countries, was negotiating status agreements (that would enable Frontex missions on the ground) with 2 of them – Senegal and Mauritania –, and had set up ‘risk analysis cells’ in 8. And that’s only what we know of, since Frontex makes an effort to keep this kind of information secret from the public. 

Continue reading “[EN/DE/IT/FR/AR] Frontex out of Africa! Join our International Action Day on 18/12/2023”

Solidarity with uprising in Medved’ov migrant detention center (Slovakia)

[Taken from the Instagram of the Frachcollective] 20 October 2023 – Yesterday, 45 detained people on the move entered into a hunger strike protesting their detention at the Slovakian-Hungarian border town Medved’ov. Mostly Kurdish people from Iraq and Turkey, as well as people from Afghanistan, are detained since weeks, some for months, without any information on the reasons why or for how long.

The night before 30 riot police with dogs entered the detention center to intimidate people on the move who are demanding their freedom. Continue reading “Solidarity with uprising in Medved’ov migrant detention center (Slovakia)”

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