[Spanish/French below] 10 April 2025 – Nothing to celebrate! Transnational Action Day against the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum Everywhere, the same logics of oppression are strangling us. From Belgrade to Athens, from Rome to Brussels, governments stifle the most precarious, destroy solidarity and oppress those who refuse to bow down. They impose a …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
On Frontex’s unaccountable responsibilities in Pylos state crime
A lot has been written about the denial of rescue, negligence and life-threatening actions of the Hellenic Coast Guard that constituted the state crime of Pylos. More than 600 people were drowned due to the direct actions and omissions of the responsible agents of the Greek state. The shipwreck of Pylos is one of the …
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Neither forget nor forgive. Freedom of movement! – World day of action against the border death regime and to demand truth, justice and reparations for migration victims and their families
Full call in English – Francais – Español – Italiano – عربي 27 January 2025 [message from Comméraction] – On February 6, 2024, a major transnational mobilization marked the 10th anniversary of CommemorAction. On February 6, 2025, we aim to further amplify this mobilization in support of the families of those who have died or disappeared …
Deportations: New role for Frontex as EU pushes for more “voluntary” returns
13 January 2025 – In August 2023, Bulgarian and European Commission (EC) officials met to discuss a “targeted assisted voluntary return project” as part of the Commission’s Pilot Project in the country. The “Pilot Project for fast asylum and returns procedures” had been launched in Bulgaria and Romania a few months prior to create “ad hoc solutions” to some of …
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Impressions from the October 2024 Action Week
20 years of Frontex are 20 years too many! The action week around Frontex’s 20th anniversary calling for the abolition of the agency saw actions in at least 10 cities in 7 countries across Europe. Click on the images to enlarge them and find all photos for download here.
Open Letter: Frontex’s 20th anniversary should also be its last
26 October 2024 Dear Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, October 26 will mark the 20th anniversary of Frontex, the EU’s border agency. It should also mark the last. Frontex is a deadly failed experiment. It has made countless people less safe, eroded the values and ideals the European Union claims to hold dear, and provided …
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New resource: 3D-printed stamps against Fortress Europe
Fortress Europe is intercontinental. The EU uses its economic power to exploit impoverished countries, forcing people onto deadly and dangerous journeys. It also pays third countries to intercept and detain people on the move before they can reach EU borders, leading to massive human rights violations. Private companies of the border-industrial-complex are profiting from these …
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📢DEMO📢 20 years of border violence – Abolish Frontex now!
📢DEMO📢 20 years of border violence – Abolish Frontex now!
28 September: demo ‘Zwischen uns keine Grenzen!’ / ‘Entre nous, pas de frontières!’
[En Français ci-dessous] Unter diesem Motto ruft Solidarité sans frontières am 28. September 2024 zu einer Gross-Demo nach Bern. Geflüchtete und Migrierte, Sans-Papiers und Illegalisierte, vorläufig Aufgenommene und Abgewiesene, Prekarisierte und Ausgebeutete, Second@s und Eingebürgerte, solidarische Menschen, Basisgruppen und Organisationen: wir alle werden von sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Grenzen getrennt, wir können sie aber gemeinsam überwinden. …
20 Jahre Frontex: Grund genug zur Abschaffung! Veranstaltung zur Aktionswoche von Abolish Frontex Berlin
Donnerstag, 26. September, 19 Uhr Aquarium, Skalitzer Straße 6, Berlin U-Bhf Kottbusser Tor