Statement by the defense lawyers of the nine survivors of the Pylos shipwreck who were acquitted

Our clients, nine survivors of the shipwreck off the coast of Pylos, were unjustly detained for eleven months in prisons, accused of serious crimes and stigmatized by the mainstream media, which, from the very first moment, not only failed to respect the presumption of innocence, but also published photos of them even from inside the hospital, with the aim of disorienting public opinion and covering up the real reasons for the deadly shipwreck. Furthermore, the objective was to serve the narrative of the suppression of the people responsible for illegal immigration and the shipwrecks that occur in the Greek SAR.

It seems that the acquittal of our clients by the Three-Member Criminal Court of Appeal does not serve the above-mentioned objectives. For this reason, the Greek state, instead of making amends for the unjust lengthy deprivation of their freedom, by providing psychological support and all the necessary means for their smooth return to a life of freedom and their integration into society, insists on treating them with cruelty and inhumanity. Instead of being released, they are administratively detained! For eleven months, we have been watching how victims of this shipwreck, like the 9 who are now administratively detained, are constantly re-victimized, either by their unjust pre-trial detention or by their unfair, and vindictive administrative detention.

Read the whole press release on the website of the Free Pylos 9 campaign

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